Now that MyPMS has been set up with the basic property, room, rate and tax information, there are several more areas to customize like, Marketing Policies, Sources and Images, etc. This section shows the areas that can be customized in MyPMS.
Please completed these steps if you have not done so already
The following sections can be further customized to your property. Some are optional, but can be useful on Reports and Guest Marketing. We have provided default information as part of your set up, but you can easily add and edit. For example, Sources on guest bookings can be used to track occupancy, revenue, etc. by Source. Entering relevant terms to your property will give you more valuable data so please customize your system as much as possible.
Setup Users
Payment Types and Charge Items
Guest Information (Optional)
Travel Agent Information (Optional)
Direct Bill and AR Accounts (Optional)
Custom Letters (Optional)
ONLY For properties selling online through website, GDS or OTA's.
Property Profile Website and GDS
Allocate Rooms for Online Distribution