To Add a User, go to SETUP | PMS | USERS, then click Add.See instructions below. Each User is given a User Role with access to certain parts of the system and given the ability to perform certain tasks. Review User Roles
There are several benefits of having unique User ID's setup for each user .
- All activity performed by the User in the Front Desk, in Bookings, Folio transactions, etc. will be recorded under the User ID.
- Users are granted access to the specific areas of MyPMS, booking functions and Reports based on User Role.
- Each User can have specific privileges enabled.
- Users can "Unlock" other Users who have been locked out of MyPMS.
Learn how to Add A New User
User Roles:
- Sr. Night Auditor: Able to perform Night Audit; No access to Setup; Full access to all columns of Reports.
- NIght Audit: Able to perform Night Audit; No access to Setup; Access to 4 columns of Reports: Daily, Groups, Housekeeping and Accounting. No Managers Reports.
- MyGuest Only: Access to MyGuest Guest Request System
- Manager Admin: Full access to all Setup functions and all Reports.. Enables all 3 Admin features: Front Desk Layout, New Booking Window, and Housekeeping customization.
- Manager: Full access to all Setup functions and all Reports.
- Housekeeping Admin: This Housekeeping function makes it easy to organize Rooms into Groups and customize the Housekeeping area on the Front Desk. Admin | Housekeeping
- Housekeeping: Access only to the Housekeeping section.
- Group Manager: Access only to Group Bookings.
- Night Auditor: Able to perform Night Audit; No access to Setup; Access to only first 4 columns of Reports.
- Front desk: No access to Night Audit or Setup. Access to only the first 3 columns of Reports.
User dependent restrictions:
- Allow manual entry of Rates: Allows user to manually change a Rate.
- Allow Overbooking: This allows the user to book beyond your current availability. Recommended setting is "No"
- Settle Credit Cards: Displays the "Settle Credit Cards" button in Night Audit. (Must be signed up for MyCard Credit Card Payment Gateway)
- View Manage Credit Cards Screen : Displays the "Manage Credit Card" link in the Booking Details. Should you wish to not allow a User to view the full credit card numbers, this is how to disable their access to viewing anything other than the 'last 4 digits' and expiry.
- MyGuest Access. This allows you to establish whether a User can login and/or use the MyGuest 'app' explained at:
Add New User:
To add a new user click "Add" and enter ALL variables enter the "User name". This does not have to correlate with the user's real name. Enter a password for this account. Do not worry; any manager will be able to reset this password in the future.
- User Name: This is the users login. This does not have to correlate with the user's real name.
- Password: Enter or reset the password for this account. In the event a password needs to be changed it is done from the Setup Area | PMS | Users tabs by editing the user and entering the new password.
- Full Name: Enter the staff members name as it will be represented on folios, letters and more. It may be a good idea to protect your staff members full name by using just their first name or first name and initial of their last name.
- Email: If you provide individual staff members with a unique email address enter it here, otherwise enter the default email address for the property.
- Language: Select the default language to be displayed for that user. This setting defaults to English,US
- Allow Manual Entry of Rates: New users by default do not have permissions for Manual Rate entry. If you wish to allow a user to enter Manual Rates select 'Yes" from the drop down.
- Allow Overbooking: There are some scenarios where it is desired that staff be able to over "sell" rooms in the property. If the Allow Overbooking is enabled on the users account that user will still be able to book room types from the Book by Availability or Tape Chart windows even after the availability for that type reaches 0. Users will still be presented with warning text that they are overbooking that room type but will be allowed to proceed as shown in the image to the right. For users who do not have Overbooking privileges the "New Booking" button will be grayed out and they will be unable to make a booking for that room type. Overbooking flag defaults to No.
- Settle Credit Cards: Displays the "Settle Credit Cards" button in Night Audit. This allows a user to access the Night Audit section, but not be able to 'Settle' any pending credit card events. Care with this setting should be heeded, as Night Auditors who can't 'settle' might allow long periods of time without settling credit cards, resulting in a cash flow - or declined transactions - problem.
- View Manage Credit Cards Screen : Displays the "Manage Credit Card" link throughout the system. Without this privilege, a User won't be able to view, edit, or manage any authorizations of credit cards, so use this sparingly. They can enter a credit card via the New Booking method (i.e., swipe a card or manually enter one) but they wouldn't have any more management access to cards after it was used to make a New Booking or Guarantee a booking at checkin.
- MyGuest Access. NOTE: For Customers using MyGuest. This allows you to establish whether a User can login and/or use the MyGuest 'app' explained at:

- Status: Active/Inactive. This flag dictates if the user account is live or not, and defaults to Active.
- From: Allows you to set a user active from a specific date in the future. This allows you to setup a new employees account for the MyPMS system but dictate a date in the future when they can start logging in with it.
- Roles: Carefully select the role for the new user.. Role Privileges are detailed in list above.
- Challenge Questions/Responses: Each user must have two separate Challenge Questions and Responses. The questions are user definable, and the responses are case sensitive.
Managing Roles:
There can be many combinations of Pages and Reports that can be arranged into a 'role' for a specific customer.When a specifc need to create a unique Role arises, you can choose from the table below and notify BookingCenter Support staff to craft a unique Role for your property:
Setup Area | | Reports | |
Front Desk | Front Desk Phone List Housekeeping AR Accounts House Accounts Pass On Log Night Audit | Accounting | Advance Deposits Advance Charges Account Receivable Aging Transactions Travel Agent Commissions Transaction Summary Tax Transactions Owner Statement |
| Booking By Inquiry Booking By Availability Tapechart Group Booking Wizard Search Bookings Group BookingsBooking Details Booking Details Group Booking Details | Daily Reports | Departures Arrivals Batch Settlements In House Reservation Comments High Balance Cancellation In House Guest Ledger Booking Comments Batch Settlements Item Analysis |
| | Group Reports | Rooming List Group Summary |
| | Housekeeping Reports
| Out of Order Turndown Vacant Room List Detailed Overview General Overview |
| | Managers Reports | Manager Report Tax Exempt Reservation Forecast Revenue Occupancy Occupancy Forecast User Activity Booking Production Bookings |