To set up general settings for your PMS and GDS, go to SETUP | SETTINGS | GENERAL SETTINGS.

When you click on General Settings, the screen will appear with the default settings shown below.

NOTE: The Manage Restrictions function is an optional setting and is enabled under "Child Rate Restrictions". The feature must be set to "Yes" to make Manage Restrictions function visible under Manage Rates. For instructions on how to enable Manage Restrictions, see Child Rate Restrictions section below.

To Edit Settings: When you click the Edit button the screen will open with the fields and drop-down menu shown below. To edit your Settings, choose or enter the correct information and click Save.

Click image to enlarge

  • Default Language: Choose the default language to use in MyPMS. When you log in again, the language will be changed.
  • Credit Card Policy : Set the Credit Card Retention Policy for Credit Card Numbers stored in Bookings. What this means is that Credit Card numbers will be retained for a period of 30, 60 or 90 Days after guest check-out and then automatically purged from the system after the designated retention period. The retention period (30 -90 days). Note: The last four digits of the Card Card # used for payment in the booking will be retained.
  • Credit Card Retention Days:Choose the number of retention days from the drop-down menu: 30, 60 or 90 days.

  • Children and Infants: There are 3 fields on the booking form for occupants that are often labeled – 'Adults', 'Children' and 'Infants'. These are labels that can be changed in SETUP | SETTINGS | BOOKING ENGINE SETTINGS. Booking Engine Settings. Many properties turn off the labels for children and Infants and change the label for Adults to Guests.
    •  "Adult rates pertain to all guests over X years old"  . If you give a reduced rate for Children, this field determines the age of Adults. When guests make bookings, the system will ask how many occupants. The number of occupants controls the maximum number of guests that can be booked into a specific room type and it may determine price if you use 'Per-person' pricing.
    • No 'Children' Allowed – tick this box if you do not differentiate rates for adults and children. In fact, Children probably are allowed; this will simply turn off the box on the booking form asking how many Children.
    • No Infants Allowed – same as above; tick this box if you do not differentiate rates for adults and Infants. In fact, Infants probably are allowed; this will simply turn off the box on the booking form asking how many Infants.
  • Rollaways: 
    • Rollaway Beds – Just list the number you have.

    • Rollaway Charge – List the price for a rollaway. Please no ($) or symbols (numbers only)

  • Date and Time
    • Date Format: Select how you want the date to appear in your system. This applies to all booking activity, statements, reports, letters, etc.
    • Local Time Zone - Select the time zone for your property.
    • Check In Time: Enter you check-in time, using military time.
    • Check Out Time: Enter you check-out time, using military time.
  • Weekend Nights: Weekend nights are: Some properties have differential rates for Weekends vs. Weekdays.  Weekend Rates are set up in Default Rates and managed inManage Rates. The minimum stay for weekly pricing is: (6 or 7 Nights): Use this setting to set the number of nights a guest has to book to qualify for weekly pricing.
    If you do have weekend rates, you can set which days you consider a "weekend" day for rate purposes.
    •  Friday: Select "Yes" to enable this day of the week for weekend rates.
    •  Saturday: Select "Yes" to enable this day of the week for weekend rates.
    •  Sunday: Select "Yes" to enable this day of the week for weekend rates.
  • Child Rate Restrictions: The feature must be set to "Yes" to make Manage Restrictions function visible under Manage Rates. For instructions on how to enable Manage Restrictions, see General Settings

  • Self Check-in: To enable the Self Check-in function and he email and/or SMS communication that starts the process, this setting must be set to "Yes" . Then, use the "esign" setting below to control how the esign communication process functions with Self Check-in. And, the "Communication" setting to control the START TIME of the Self Check-in process.

  • EsignYou can enable eSign Digital Document Signing as a required part of the Self Check-in process. This setting automatically sends a request for digital signature as a requirement for Self Check-in. See Self Check-in Settings for details. Use the "esign" setting to control how the esign communication process functions with Self Check-in.

    • There are four settings to choose from:

      • None: Use this setting to completely disable eSign from the Self Check-in process. What this means is that the guest will not receive an email and/or SMS request to sign a digital document.
      • Request Letter(s): Use this setting to to request a Digital Signature, but NOT REQUIRE a Digital Signature to Check-in. Using this setting will send an "eSign Request" email and/or SMS to the Guest at the Start of the Self Check-in process. This request is in addition to the "Start Self Check-in" email and/or SMS that is sent to start the Self Check-in process.
      • Required MyBookings and Letter(s): Use this setting to REQUIRE a Digital Signature before the guest can check-in AND to send the eSign Request email and/or SMS as described in the Request Letter setting. Using this setting will send an "eSign Request" email and/or SMS to the Guest at the Start of the Self Check-in process, but WILL require a Digital Signature before the guest can complete Self Check-in. 
      • Required MyBookings no Letter(s): Use this setting to REQUIRE a Digital Signature before the guest can check-in, but NOT SEND the eSign Request email and/or SMS as described in the Request Letter setting. Using this setting will NOT SEND an "eSign Request" email and/or SMS to the Guest at the Start of the Self Check-in process, but WILL require a Digital Signature before the guest can complete Self Check-in. 
    • Require Incidental Credit Cards for Suppressed Rate Self Check-in: This feature allows you to force guests to enter a credit card for incidentals at Self Check-in if they have booked through a Suppressed Rates Agent. To learn more about Suppressed Rates Agents, go to Agent Types.
    • Ignore Room Clean/Dirty Status: This setting can allow a Guest to complete Self Check-in regardless of the room's 'clean or dirty' status.
    • Suspend Self Check-in Communications: For customers who turn Self Check-in on and off, this can enable a property to 'suspend' the 2 main communication setting that enable automated Self Check-in:
      1. The daily 'start self check-in' emails and/or SMS that go to all arriving guests to begin the self check-in voyage at the time set in the 'Communications" area.
      2. When a booking is MADE ON the arrival date (ie, after the initial 'start self check-in' emails and/or SMS went out) these communications are also affected by the 'suspend' flag.

It is imperative that a property that 'suspends' Self Check-in also remembers to 'un-suspend' it when they're ready to automate Self Check-in again.

    • E Sign Last Page Redirect: This is the URL you want the Guest taken to after they sign the eSign document.  If no URL is placed here, the Guest is left on a blank page with instructions to close the browser window.
  • Self Check-in Communication Timing: The "Communication" setting is used to control the START TIME of the Email and/ SMS sent to the guest to start the Self Check-in process on the arrival date of the booking. This setting controls the automated system trigger that automatically sends the "Start Self Check-in" email and/or SMS to the all guests on arrival date. For bookings made before or after this time setting, seeThere are two settings, one to control the time that the email and one to control when the SMS message.
    • Send SMS Time: Enter the time that you want the "Start Self Check-in" and "eSign Request" (if enabled) EMAIL sent to the guest. The time must be entered in military time, ie. 14:00 for 2:00pm. The time setting corresponds to the time zone set in your MyPMS system. Therefore, if your system is set to "Pacific Standard Time" and you enter 14:00, then the email will be sent to the Guest at 2:00PM PST.
    • Send SMS Time: Enter the time that you want the "Start Self Check-in" and "eSign Request" (if enabled) SMS sent to the guest. The time must be entered in military time, ie. 14:00 for 2:00pm. The time setting corresponds to the time zone set in your MyPMS system. Therefore, if your system is set to "Pacific Standard Time" and you enter 14:00, then the email will be sent to the Guest at 2:00PM PST.
  • Housekeeping: Cleaning Interval sets the time between the original occupied Statius and when that Room Clean will be set to S/O (Stay Over) clean. Thus, if set to 2, then every other day of a stay that occupied room would become a 'Stay Over' event.

  • Geography
    •  Latitude and Longitude – if you buy the option to upload your property to the Global Booking systems, then you must enter your town's Latitude and Longitude. This will indicate you location, which is used to create a list of Airports in Parameters. Try this website if you don't know your location details - Tip: Use decimal place lat and long
    • Neighborhood: enter a commonly known neighborhood your property is located within, such as the SoHo District of New York, or Russian Hill in San Francisco.

  • No labels