Enter the contact details for your property. Contact information appears on Guest Correspondence, Receipts, Statements and online through your website or OTA connections like Expedia and Booking.com.
You will receive booking inquires and notifications and send confirmations using this information so remember to use your main reservation phone number, email and property address.
These details will also appear as your contact information where your property is distributed online. Enter the information as completely as possible.
To change the Billing Email used by BookingCenter to send billing correspondence to your property, use the "Billing Email" field.
To enter your Site Details:
- Click Edit in the bottom, right of the screen.
- Add or edit any information and click Save.
The Site Details page has the following fields:
- Site ID: The Site ID is set up by BookingCenter and can't be changed. It is the main log in for your system and used to track all data in your system.
- Password: The Site ID is set up by BookingCenter and can't be changed. It is the main log in for your system and used to track all data in your system.
- Site Name: The name you use in the system for your site. This does not appear to guests.
- Contact: Enter the name of the contact name as it appears to guests. This can also be Manager, Front desk, etc.
- Trading Name: Enter your business name for online use. The name entered here is how your property will be presented online.
- URL: Enter the website address for your property. I.e. www.bookingcenter.com. Please do not include _http://_ in your website address.
- Use CVV2/Auth. If this is set to YES, then a CVV number can be entered in the PMS system and will be required for an online booking via the Booking Engine. Note that CVV numbers are not saved, they are only able to be sent along with an authorization.
- Postal Address: Enter your property postal address. If it is the same as the Street Address, then enter that information.
- Street Address: The address details entered here will appear on the top of the Booking Advice, Booking Confirmation and Account Statements.
- Phone: Enter your main telephone number for reservations.
- Phone: Enter your main fax number for reservations.
Note: You will need to enter at least two email addresses: Email and Billing Email. The third, Booking CC Email, is optional.
- Email – Main email address on file and is displayed in the contact details for the property.
- This email receives the following information:
- Guest correspondence, confirmations, etc.
- Receives online booking notifications, modifications and cancellations.
- Summary of Folio Charges after Night Audit is completed
- Notify By Email? Yes/No? - Selecting NO here assures that BookingCenter does not send emails to your Guests automatically. Note, this is not common, as relaying on your to manually send emails can cause delays uncommon in our modern notification culture.
- From Email: BookingCenter allows you to use a custom email address from your domain name such as 'Booking@MyHotel.com", for example) but this requires that your DNS provider has added BookingCenter.com as a SPF and/or DMARC registered sender for your domain name. Read this article for setting SPF records for BookingCenter.com sending emails on behalf of your domain name. But SPF record management is more technology than some customers can handle, so we also offer the option to send your emails from our properly maintained SMTP server as "Notifications@BookingCenter.com" to better assure emails are received (and not blocked) to avoid SPF record management. This means that the email 'From' address would be "Notifications@BookingCenter.com" and come from BookingCenter, but any 'reply' to the email would go to the Reply To: email set in the 'Email" field above.
- Billing Email – Used by BookingCenter to send billing correspondence to your property, use the "Billing Email" field.
- Booking CC Email (optional) – Used to send a copy of guest booking notifications to another email address. This is often used for for archival purposes so that if a Guest states they didn't receive an email confirmation - for example - you can forward them the one that was sent and CC'd to your email as a record of what was sent. No one can ever assure emails are actually received in an In-Box, but this is a way to show it was sent.