Go to SETUP | PARAMETERS | LETTERS to create and edit your Letters.

The default view will display the list of Letters that have been set up in your system.

To sort the entire list, use the Sort fields at the top of the list: "Find Records where", "Sort by", "Display" and "Records".

There are three types of Letters: Group Letters, Individual Letters and POS Receipt.

The Registration Card is also a Letter. To set the Registration Card to print when in REPORTS | DAILY REPORTS | PRINT ALL REG CARDS,  choose the Letter in the "Default Letter"Drop down list above the list on the right.

The Registration Card is also a Letter. To set the Registration Card to print when in REPORTS | DAILY REPORTS | PRINT ALL REG CARDS,  choose the Letter in the "Default Letter"Drop down list above the list on the right.

To Add a new Letter, see Add or Edit Letters

To Edit or Customize existing Letters, Follow these steps.

  1. Open Letter: choose the Letter you want to edit by clicking on the Letter I.D. or selecting it and choosing 'Edit'. The Letter will open in an Editor which you can use to customize your letter.
  2. Editor Toolbar: The toolbar at the top has many features you can use to customize your Letter including adding images, text formatting and other standard features. It also includes a full set of Merge fields used to insert booking, financial and guest information from your records and transactions to appear automatically in the Letter. 
  3. Once you have finished editing your Letter, click Update to save your changes.