To Add a payment to any of the House Folios.
Items in the Add Payment drop-down list have already been added as Receipt Types and given a description and/or a price.
Using a Credit Card for payment
Every time a charge is applied, a corresponding payment must be applied. For instance, you may apply a postcard charge of $1.00 plus $0.08 taxes. This will come to a total of $1.08. The user must now enter a payment of $1.08 to bring the balance to zero.
The ability to Add, Edit, and Delete a credit card exists with a House Account, as do all other payment options. Once added, a credit card must be manually deleted in order to not accidentally use it for a future charge. This is important, as it will protect your property for liability for storing – and potentially misusing - credit cards no longer needed. Since there is no 'Guest', 'Group', or 'Company' to apply the credit card to, either the card must be swipe or manually entered in order to get proper details for the card charge.
Add a charge:
Note: The red asterisk * indicates a required field.