How does Group Booking Engine work?
- First, create a Group Booking in the Group Booking Wizard in MyPMS. The confirmation # of the booking will become the User ID.
- Open the Group Booking and go to the Booking Data Tab.
- In the Booking Information section, create a password and enter it in the password field and click Save. See Group Bookings - Create Password
- The Group Booking can now be accessed through your customized Group Booking Engine link located in SETUP | BOOKINGS | GROUP WEBSITE CODE. See Group Website Code
- Use the Confirmation # as a User ID and the password you created for the Group. The User ID and password is the same for all guests logging into the Group Booking. See Group Bookings - Create Password
- Give the Group Contact the User ID (Confirmation #) and password and direct them to your customized group booking engine link to log in and start making bookings.
- To easily email the USER ID, Password and URL to the Group Contact in a Confirmation Letter. Add this information to the Group Confirmation Letter using merge fields.. See Merge Fields - Group Letters and Group Booking Engine - Custom Letter.
- User ID: Automatically assigned as the Confirmation # of the Group booking. This field is not editable.
- Password: is set by the property. Guests cannot change this field. See Group Bookings - Create Password
When you log in to the Group Booking Engine, you will see four Tabs:
- Add Booking
- Arrival and Departure Date cannot be changed in the booking engine. If a guest has different booking dates than the group, they will need to call the hotel to make their reservation for the different dates.
- Choose # of guests in the booking.
- Choose the room type from the drop down menu. The Rates and total will display for each room type. See below.
- Enter First and Last Name and Email Address
- Choose method of payment from the drop down list to guarantee the booking.
- If Credit Card is chosen, then enter the credit card number and expiration date.
- The last step is to agree to the terms and conditions and click Complete Booking.
- The booking will now display in the Rooming List. ( Display of the Rooming List is optional, see below)
- You will receive an email confirmation of the Booking.
- Rooming List – This list displays the bookings that have already been booked as part of the group. Displaying the Rooming List Tab on the Group Booking Engine is optional. To display the Rooming List to Guests in the Group Booking Details and choose "YES" in the " Show Room List" drop down menu. See Group Booking Details
- Group Information – This page shows basic information about the group, i.e. check in and checkout dates, etc.
- Property Information – Basic contact property Information, phone, address, Address of the property.