Set # of Default Days in Tape Chart
If you would like to set a new default number of days for the Tape Chart to appear everytime you log in and become the default display, then go to SETUP | PMS | SETUP.
You will now see the new default view on your Tape Chart.
We recommend choosing 8 days, so that there is always a full week to display. If you have many rooms at your property (< 70) then it's especially important to make the "Default days on Tape Chart" small (again, 8 is recommended), as otherwise users will wait for large quantities of data to be downloaded before interacting with the Tape Chart.
Changing the Tape Chart Display per session
Above the Tape Chart is a header containing search parameters for room types and dates. During each session, you can set the date range and # of days in the view by modifying these settings.
When you modify these settings during your User session:
For example, if you load the Tape Chart and and change the number of days from 15 to 30, the Tape Chart will continue to load 30 days every time it's viewed for the rest of the current session. If you wish to go back to the default or alternate value simply input the new value and hit refresh.Once your session expires the tape or availability charts will load with the default of 15 days at next login