To create or edit an SMS letter: Go to Setup | Parameters | Letters.
You will a section titled SMS Letters. To Edit an SMS Letter, click on the Letter ID in the left column to open the SMS Letter. You can then add/edit text and, add merge fields.
To start using Merge Fields:
- To see a list of merge fields, click on the BookingCenter "globe" icon in the top left corner of the editor.
- To insert the value of the merge field you want, place your cursor at the location in Letter you want it to appear. Then, click on the desired value from the merge fields list.
- To change or edit your Merge fields in the Letter, highlight the field and click on the BookingCenter "globe" icon in the top-left of the editor.
- Guest Details - Inserts the data entered in Guest Information Section of the Booking Data. See Booking Details
- First Name: %%guest-first-name%%
- Last Name: %%guest-last-name%%