The Manager's Report provides daily summary and a running month and year to date total of revenue, charges, payments, occupancy, advanced deposits and accounts receivable. This is the most useful day-at-a-glance report offered in MyPMS.

This report format always displays the data in three columns: Today, Month to Date and Year to Date. Therefore, the single date chosen in the date picker can be used to provide a specific date range.For example, if you choose June 30, you will see the totals for day of June 30, the total for the month-to-date (June 1-June 30) and the Year-to-date total (Jan 1 - June 30).

If further detail is needed on any category, then use the Transactions Report and select the "Transaction Category" in the drop-down menu and use the same date range to get a detailed list of transactions.

All Reports run on the system date, so if you have not performed Night audit for the current day, then the report will not be populated with all of the data. It is recommended to run this report for the previous day or after night audit has been completed for the current date.

The Manager's Report is divided into the following sections:

 Folio Charges / Income


Displays all payments taken including Cash, Credit Cards, Unknown, Write Off, Direct Bill, etc. This can also be seen on the Transaction Summary Report and in detail on the Transactions Report .This will include any receipt types you have created. See Receipt Types


Displays a summary of Occupied Rooms, Empty Rooms, Percentage Occupied, ADR, REVPAR and the number of Adults, Children, Infants in the bookings. To see the details of the Occupancy summary, see the Occupancy Report


Displays a summary of booking information: Arrivals, Departures, In House, Reservations, Cancellations. To see details, see Daily Reports and the Booking Production Report

Advance Room Payment / Charge

Displays the running total of ARD (Advance Room Deposits), for details see Advanced Deposits Report . And, the running total of ARC (Advance Room Charges), for details see Advanced Charges Report (ARC)

Accounts Receivable


Displays future bookings by date, occupancy, occupancy %, room revenue, total guests. The only dates that will displays are dates that have bookings. For details, see Occupancy Forecast Report