Use the Edit Tab to modify the Arrival and Departure Dates, Room Type and Rates of an Individual Booking. This includes Confirmed, Unconfirmed and Active Bookings. To edit a Group Booking, See Group Booking Details
The Edit Tab displays the Room Type Grid for the booking dates with the allocated Room Type highlighted in blue. This information also appears in the Booking Header in Room Type. The Room Type grid in the Edit Tab is identical to the 'Book by Availability', 'Room Assignment', and 'Tape Chart' screens and functions the same. Days are added or removed via clicking on the cell for the desired days. We have a video here that shows how editing is done.
To Edit a booking, first select or deselect room type or booking dates. Any time you make changes to the Room Type information with date changes, the system will prompt you to "get new rate". After you have modified the booking, be sure to click Save for the changes to take effect.
Note: Only the Room Type and Rates are managed in the Edit Tab. The Room Assignment is made in the Room Assignment Tab. Once a Room Type is selected, then a Room needs to be assigned in the Room Assignment Tab.
See details on how to perform the following functions in the Edit Tab:
The summary displays the room type and room assignment details with the daily rates Rates.
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