Online Bookings is used to create reports that display a summary of bookings. The default report displays bookings made in the 'Last 7 Days'. To change the results; select the desired month or time period and click 'Fetch'. Use 'where' to find bookings with specific criterion such as guest name, arrival date, etc. Sorting bookings will order a large report to make results easy to use.
*Tip – Any Month will display all bookings, and sorting makes it easy to find specific results. If a booking has been cancelled, it will not display if your report criterion calls for 'cancellations' excluded.

Booking Details
Online Bookings displays a summary of bookings. To see the full detail of a booking, you must click on the Booking ID.

*Tip –The 'Booking Status' refers to:

  • Incomplete: awaiting credit card authorization – if no authorization is obtained in 10 minutes from booking, the booking will be automatically cancelled. This status in only available to Point of Sale (POS) users who are processing automatic deposits into their merchant accounts. Email confirmations only go to Manager and Guest after the card authorization is acquired and status is changed to 'Confirmed'.
  • Review: Awaiting Confirmation
  • Confirmed: obvious
  • Unconfirmed: obvious
  • Active: Booking has been 'checked in'
  • Cancelled: Booking was cancelled
  • No labels