The MyPMS Letters function allows you to create and customize Letters that you can send as an SMS message to Guests. The SMS function is available only for the Default Letters. See Default Letters

A "Letter" is any document that you create  in  SETUP | PARAMETERS | LETTERS.  For example, a Registration Card, Confirmation Letter, Cancellation Letter, Receipt, Thank you for staying, etc. Basically anything you would like to create to send to guests.  A Default Letter is a preset Letter that is automatically sent for a specific function, i.e. website Booking Confirmation. These Default Letters are typically send via email, however, you can also choose to send the Letter via SMS messaging.

To set a Default Letter to send as an SMS message, you must first create an SMS Letter. Since SMS messaging needs to shorter than an email, there are character restrictions (500 character max) for this type of Letter. Also, remember that this Letter will be sent as a text message so we recommend that you keep it brief and easy to digest with hyperlinks inserted. You can also send an email at the same time with more information.

The SMS Letter can customized with simple text and merge display specific guest and booking information. Merge fields automatically insert specific data for the booking i.e. Guest name or Deposit made. We offer a wide variety of Merge fields. To see a complete list of Merge Fields,see Merge Fields - Individual Letters To see examples of how Merge Fields are used in Letters, see Merge Field Examples

Remember, any of these Letters can be automatically sent to guests before or after arrival by using  Auto Letters