BookingCenter eSign- Digital Document Signing  lets you create a customized letter with a built-in digital signature function which can be emailed to guests at any time on or before the check-in dateThis allows you to request and store documents signed by the guest.

The eSign function is already enabled for each booking in MyPMS and is seamlessly integrated with BookingCenter Customized Letters. To implement the Esign- Digital Signing Process, follow these steps.

Read below for detailed step-by-step instructions.

 eSign - Setup: Setup your Default Signature Letters - Create Default eSign Letter

 eSign - Process: Learn how to send a Digital Signature Request Letter - Send eSign Request Letter 

eSign - Digital Signature Letter Storage: See where the signed digital letters are stored. - Digital Signature Letter Storage

If desiring to use 2 different Self Check-in 'processes' for your Guests, consider a PMS Agent that can differentiate between bookings and thus requiring a unique eSign - Digital Document Signing process based on a 'Suppress Agent Rate' process.  This can add an entirely different  eSign- Digital Document Signing process and may be useful for your business.

Please note that in order for Digital Signing to work with a Booking, it must have a unique link (RUID), which was added on August 7, 2018. Therefore, only Bookings created since August 7, 2018 have a RUID and are enabled for eSign. Bookings created prior to this date, DO NOT have an RUID and the Digital Signing function will not work. All new Bookings created will have the unique RUID and can use eSign - Digital Document Signing. Note that using EDIT on booking will not create a RUID. Learn more about Booking RUID

Learn more about the Booking RUID