BookingCenter’s Self Check-in System is a web service that can be enabled for any MyPMS Customer as a ‘stand alone’ service or as integrated with MyGuest.  The integration with MyGuest enables staff with a BookingCenter iOS App and/or the BookingCenter Android App that notify of any errors occurring in the process (for example, a room was not assigned to a booking, the prior guest in that room had not checked out, or a credit card authorization was declined) and to keep the 'autonomous' system in view at all times.

The Self Check-in system is completely automated from start to finish and includes automatic messaging, payment authorization, Esign – digital signing (optional) and room access specific information allowing detailed instructions for a mix of hotel and rental units as well as key codes and e-keys to access the Room(s).

The Guest Self Check-in process is completed in MyBooking, the BookingCenter secure guest portal, to update booking details, authorize payments, accept terms (with signature, date, and IP-stamping for support in a dispute) and check-in. It is fully integrated with MyPMS for “real-time” booking and status updates. The system is branded to provide a personalized guest experience ‘with a “Call for Help” button to message staff via Skype, WhatsApp, FaceTime etc when a guest needs help or has questions.

If you need a signed Registration Letter with terms and conditions, we offer a free digital signing service, Esign, which is seamlessly integrated into the Self Check-in process. See eSign - Digital Document Signing

Managers and key staff can receive immediate notifications when guests check-in, need assistance or submit a request using our optional MyGuest Manager’s App.

Self Check-in