Agent Allocations to the Expedia Direct Channel (EXPDIRHC)

When your Expedia direct connection is set up and activated, BookingCenter will create a new Agent Channel called EXPDIRHC.

  • This new channel will appear in Agent Relationships.Go to SETUP | RELATIONSHIPS | AGENT RELATIONSHIPS.
  • Room Type/Rate Plans have been allocated based on your initial mapping and can be viewed in the EXPDIRHC agent.The allocations in this channel can only be changed by BookingCenter.
  • All Expedia bookings will come in toyour BookingCenter PMS with the agent code of EXPDIRHC,
  • All Expedia bookings will come in with EXPDIR as the Source and an "E", for Expedia, at the end of the booking confirmation #, I.e. 626310332E

Click image to enlarge

When you click on the number in the Rooms Allocated column, ie. 36 of 62, the window will open with the Room Type/Rate Plans allocated to the channel. Therefore, when you click on the number of rooms allocated in the EXPDIRHC channel, the Room Type/Rate Plans allocated to Expedia channel will appear here.

Add or Remove Allocations

The allocations in this channel can only be changed by BookingCenter. If you want to change the Room Type/Rate Plan allocation, submit a support ticket with the details of the changes to be made. To add/remove Room Types,

See  Expedia | Add or Remove Room Types