NOTE: Because there can be many folios attached to a booking on the AR system we create a "holding" folio which is listed on the AR. This contains the summation of all Direct Bill events across all folios on the booking. This folio number is searchable and will always pull up the primary folio on the booking even though the holding folio number differs.
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To apply payments to individual Statements follow these steps:
Step 1: Show Statements (OPEN)
In this example, there are 5 open folios (4 in Non-Statemented Invoices and 1 in Invoice #26456) with total Receivables of $1,736.
Both have open folios and a balance due. The $ amount in the Total Column reflects the total amount of the folios charged to that Statement.
Step 2: Click on the Statement to apply payment: In this example, we clicked on Non-Statement Invoices with a balance of $1,361. Clicking on a statement will display the booking detail, Total charged on that statement and Payment options below the list. It may have one or several line items associated with it. In this case, there are 4 bookings charged to this statement. Each folio Receivable can take a partial or full payment.
Step 3: Complete Payment Information
*Payment Amount: $ amount of Total payment calculated from the $ amounts entered in the Pay column
Balance Amount: Amount of Balance due. Automatically calculated from Balance column.
Transfer checked Items to: Transfer charges to a new statement by putting a check in the box next to the desired charges and selecting New Statement from the Transfer checked items to drop down. The system will automatically create a new statement and move all selected charges and a new statement will show up under the AR account.