This section is for users of the MSO Marketing Services Organization. 

While this document is specific to Sojern, we have a broader document here that explains in depth the use of Tracking codes for use in Google Analytics and other tracking systems.

Sojern provides the code below, but it is similar for all tracking systems that use the Booking Engine tools we provide.  The code is entered into Setup Area of MyPMS or Channel Manager.  

Once in the Setup Area, go to  Settings -> Booking Engine Settings.  Click edit and past the Sojern code into the Web Tracking Code Last Page

Parameters we pass are as follows:

Sample Code:    Sojern provides this.

<!-- Sojern Tag v6_js, Pixel Version: 1 -->
(function () {
/* Please fill the following values. */
var params = {
hd1: "%%$arrival_date%%", /* Check In Date. Format yyyy-mm-dd.
Ex: 2015-02-14 */
hd2: "%%$departure_date%%", /* Check Out Date. Format yyyy-mm-dd.
Ex: 2015-02-14 */
hp: "%%$total_price%%", /* Purchase Price */
hcu: "USD", /* Purchase Currency */
hconfno: "%%$booking_id%%" /* Confirmation Number */

var sjrnIn = new Date(params.hd1);
var sjrnOut = new Date(params.hd2);

params.hd1 =
params.hd2 =
params.hp = (parseFloat(params.hp) / 1.14).toFixed(2);

/* Please do not modify the below code. */
var cid = [];
var paramsArr = [];
var cidParams = [];
var pl = document.createElement('script');
var defaultParams =
for(key in defaultParams) { params[key] = defaultParams[key]; };
for(key in cidParams) { cid.push(params[cidParams[key]]); };
params.cid = cid.join('|');
for(key in params) { paramsArr.push(key + '=' +
encodeURIComponent(params[key])) };
pl.type = 'text/javascript';
pl.async = true;
pl.src = ''
+ paramsArr.join('&');
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] ||
<!-- End Sojern Tag →



DerbySoft provides a similar set of functionality that Sojern does, using a 'deep URL' construct to provide tracking of a reference to their system for tracking purposes.  The most common use of DerbySoft for BookingCenter users is the 'meta search' product, which BookingCenter supports via our Booking Engines to track the 'per transaction' fee business model through some meta search channels.   Note that this requires that the property is using either the GDS system or our connection to the SynXis CRS product to fulfill DerbySoft reporting requirements.

If using BOTH Google Analytics and DerbySoft, or Sojern and Google Analytics, etc then one must be careful to keep the codes/scripts separate. Therefore, when you paste the Google Analytics code, make sure it is either complete above, or completely below, what already exists for Sojern/DerbySoft. Remember that is can take Google Analytics up to 24 hours to update when test booking are made.

BookingCenter requires that an MSO 'Premium Marketing Services' contract is in place in order for this to work. Go to: to request the service or call us at +1-707-874-3922 ext 201.

Learn more about the MSO 'Premium Marketing Services' contract at: