The Online Bookings Area contains all of the Guest Information and Booking Details for Online Bookings made through your website or any other GDS and OTA channels.
By default, the list displays chronologically by the date the booking was made.
To change the view of the list there are several sort functions available. You can also search for individual bookings by Guest Name or Confirmation #.
Once you have located the Booking, you can view the Guest Details, Payment Information, Source, etc.
To see the Guest Details of a Booking, click on the Booking I.D. # of the Guest. See Online Booking Details
Sort Functions
By default, the list is sorted by "Last 7 days" and displays chronologically by the date the booking was made. To change the view of the list there are several sort functions available. You can also search for individual bookings by Guest Name or Confirmation #. It is important that you first set the correct date range before searching by another sort field or you may not return results. To change the data in the List or search for a specific booking, select the sort criteria and click "Fetch". See below for details on each sort function.
Date Range: Choose the date range to view. To search all time periods, choose "Any Month" from the drop-down list.
Search for specific data: To search by a specific data set, such as Guest Name or Booking I.D. , choose the data set from the drop-down list. Choose "has" in the next drop-down list and then in the empty field, enter the information you are searching for. For example, to find John Smith, choose "Guest" from the drop-down list and then enter Smith in the blank field. Then click fetch.
Indicate status of Bookings: viewing cancelled bookings in the list is optional and must be set manually. The default view is set to automatically exclude cancelled bookings. If you are searching for a cancelled booking, change this setting to "included".
List Display: This setting controls the display of your list by sorting it based on the setting you choosing. All sort will display chronologically, numerically or alphabetically depending on the sort criteria.