The "Select Room" or Availability page of the Booking Engine displays the Room Types and Rates available. There are two options for displaying rate plans depending on how you want to offer your units and how many rate plans you offer. One option is "Single Rate Plans" using Booking Engine Template 01 and 03, the other is "Multiple Rate Plans" using Booking Engine Templates 02 and 04. For details on how to use and setup each Booking Engine Template, See Website Code NOTE: For either option the Rate Plans must be allocated to Channel BC in the Setup Area to display. To add or change Rate Plans allocated to the Room Type, see Room Type and Rate Plan Allocations All Booking Engine Templates offer the ability to customize the Rate Plan name and Guest Selection (Adults and/or children). See Booking Engine | Rate Plans If you are using a "Multiple Rates" Booking Engine (02 and 04), then each Room Type listed has a "Show Rates" button which, when clicked, will expand to display all of the Rate Plans for the Room Type. The available Room Type will be sorted via the 'sort' value assigned to the Room Type. Then, under the available Type, the various Rates (if more than 1 is allocated and available for the duration) will be sorted via the 'sort' value assigned to the Rate. Package Rate Plans
Booking Engine TemplatesOption 1: Select Room - Single Rate Plan (Booking Engine Templates 01 and 03) See Website Code - The "Select Room" or Availability page of the Booking Engine displays one Rate Plan for each Room Type and only allows one Room to be booked at once. For example, if you have one rate plan and a limited number or Room Types.

Option 2: Select Room - Multiple Rate Plans (Booking Engine Templates 02 and 04) See Website Code - The "Select Room" or Availability page of the Booking Engine displays a "Show Rates" Button for each Room Type. When clicked a list of Rate Plans displays. In addition, multiple Room Types can be booked in the same booking.
