These Promo Codes can be used to deliver specific or discounted rate plans or packages by using a local Agent and then mapping that 'promo code' to the Agents Allocations. Follow these steps to set up a Promo Code and corresponding Rate Plan. - First you need to enable the use of Promo Codes. Go to SETUP | SETTINGS | BOOKING ENGINE SETTINGS and set 'Use Promo Code' to 'Yes'. This will enable the promo code box on the inquiry page of the Booking Engine.
- Next, modify or setup the proper local agent. Go to SETUP | RELATIONSHIPS | MY AGENTS. Use an existing local agent or create a new one, however it is important to notes that the Agent ID becomes the Promo Code. To enable the Promo Code in the Agent. Go to the Agent details and set the Agent Class to Promo Code. For step-by -step instructions on how to set up a Promo Code, go to Setup Promo Codes
- Once this is completed, then simply allocate the Rate Plans or Packages to the proper Room types and to the Agent/Promo Code in Agent Relationships. SETUP | RELATIONSHIPS | AGENT RELATIONSHIPS. See Agent Allocations