To add or edit Inventory Items, go to SETUP | PARAMETERS | INVENTORY ITEMS. When you click on Inventory Items, a list is displayed with all of your inventory items.

To Add an Inventory Item: Click Add at the bottom right corner of the page and a new screen will appear with a blank form. There are two required fields, but we encourage you to fill out the information as completely as possible. The Description will appear on your website and guest folios. - *Item Code: Enter a code that describes the Group. Examples include SPA, REST, TRANS, DISC This for Internal use only and will not be viewed by guests. I.D. must be alpha/numeric only. Do not use punctuation, symbols, or hyphens. Use a max. of 10 Characters, 5 characters or less is preferred.
- *Description: Enter a short description. This description will appear as the description in the drop-down list when adding a charge and on the Guest Folio. See Add Charge
- Group: Choose an Inventory Group to categorize the item in an Inventory Groups for the Add Charge drop-down list and the Item Analysis Report.
- Sell Online: If the status was set to "Yes", then the item would be available for guests to select as an add-on during an online booking process. Sell Online can be set to either "YES" or "NO" when using the item in a package rate. See Packages.
- Sell: Enter the dollar amount of the price of the item.
- Cost: Enter the cost of the item (optional)
- Unit: what Unit defines the Sell price? For example, 2 units Sell for $5.
- Sell at Checkin: Customers using Self Check-in/out can set this as an Add-on Item to sell during the Self Check-in process.
- Sell at Checkout: Customers using Self Check-in/out can set this as an Add-on Item to sell during the Self Check-out process.
- Online Deposit: Choose whether this item requires a deposit when a booking is made.
- Occupancy Rate: Optional- add a % rate if needed for a service charge to be automatically calculated for all items in the Group.
- Occupancy 2 Rate: Optional- add a % tax rate if needed for a service charge to be automatically calculated for all items in the Group.
- Tax Rate:
- Sort: Indicate a Sort # to order your list in the drop-down menu in Add a Charge drop-down list, as well as the order an Add-on Item will list when viewed by a Guest during Self Check-in/out if set to 'sell at checkin/out'. Thus, 1 comes before 2, 2 before 3, etc
- Notes: Optional
- Extended Description: Optional
Click Save when finished. To Edit Inventory Item: Click on the Item Code and make changes. To add a new item click Add in the lower right-hand corner and fill out the fields. In the example below, we are adding an Inventory Item for Ski Pass which is part of the Activities Inventory Group. The item costs the property $55 and sells to the guest for $62 and is subject to a $0 Service Charge and 5% LDG Tax. It is set to Sell Online "No" which means it will not be shown on a Booking Engine but will be shown as an Add-on Item during Self Check-in.
