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All Rate changes to Rates and Rate Restrictions must be done in the Manage Rates area.are done in SETUP | RATE | MANAGE RATES after a default Rate Plan is created. Once a default Rate Plan is set up, then it will appear in the drop-down list in Manage Rates, If you need to add a new Rate Plan or change the description of the Rate Plan, see Default Rates

The Manage Rates feature allows you to quickly change rates and fluidly set special conditions (price surcharges and minimum stays) set restrictions such as, MINLOS, CTA, for a specific day or date range up to 57 weeks in advance. Often, this is used to manage rates for peak periods – Long Weekends, Special Events, Holidays, Weekly Rates, etc. Each Rate Plan must be managed and prices need to be adjusted for each time frame. The changes made here do not effect the Default Rates. See Default Rates

The Manage Rates function allows you to make the following changes to the Rate Plan for the date range specified.

  • Rates: Number of guests included in rate, Daily Rate, Additional Adult Charge, Additional Children Charge, Weekly Rates(If enabled) For details on each, see Manage Rates
  • Restrictions: MIN LOS, MAX LOS, Closed to Arrival. See Single Rate Restrictions

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All Rate Plans must be managed individually. To get started, follow these steps.

  • Go to RATES | MANAGE RATES. See figure 1. 
  • Choose the Rate Plan to manage from the drop-down list and the date range, then click Display Rates. A screen will automatically appear with the Rate Plan Information by Date. See Figure 2. below.

Figure 1. Choose Rate Plan

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Managing Rate Plan
When you select a rate and a time frame and press Display Rates, the system automatically loads the rate for that time frame. If you've never edited the rate or stay options for that time frame the system loads the Default Rate. See Modifying Rate Plans

Figure 2. Manage Rate Plan


Managing Rate Plans

Rates and Restrictions

Each Rate Plan is assigned it's own Rates and Restrictions and is managed with Manage Single Rate Plan unless selected for a multiple rate change. If you want to change multiple rates at the same time using a % or $ adjustment. See Manage Multiple Rate Plans

Restrictions and No. of Guests are unique to each Rate Plan and must be adjusted individually.Therefore,when changing those items, you must make the changes to each of the Rate Plans you need to adjust in Manage Single Rate Plan

  • Daily Rates can be managed either individually (Manage Single Rate) or for multiple Rate Plans (Manage Multiple Rates)
  • Additional Adult or Children Charge: These are unique to each Rate Plan and must be adjusted individually .Therefore, when changing additional guest charges for any single rate, you must make the changes to each of the Rate Plans using the Manage Single Rate Plan method.
  • Restrictions: Restrictions are unique to each Rate Plan and must be adjusted individually.Therefore, when changing Restrictions for any single rate, you must make the changes to each of the Rate Plans using the Manage Single Rate Plan method. See Rate Restrictions - MIN LOS, CTA
  • Weekly Rates: Rate Plans also have the option of including Weekly Rates. See Weekly Rates If you have unique weekly rates and want to enable the Weekly Rates feature, go to Booking Engine Settings

Choosing a Rate Plan: From the drop-down menu, choose the Rate Plan that you want to manage.  If you have created Rate Groups, then the rates in that group will display together with a header. if you want to change rates for another Rate Plan during the same date range selected, then just go to the "Choose Rate" drop-down menu and click "Update Rates". The screen will change to display the selected Rate Plan which is shown in the blue box at the bottom of the grid.

Choosing a Date Range: Choosing the correct date range is a very important part of managing rates.You can select any date range from one day, weekend, week or month to several years in the future.Changing rates is done in a seven day calendar view starting on the day of week corresponding to the "Begin on" calendar date chosen. For example, if you  choose Oct. 1 - Oct. 30 and Oct. 1 lands on a Saturday, then the first day of the week displayed is Saturday.Although the date range selected is one month, the calendar will always display a seven day weekly view. This means that when you change a rate on the Friday night, it will change the rates for ALL Fridays from Oct. 1-Oct.30. The rate changes you make will apply to ALL rates in the selected date range. If you are changing rates for a long date range like two years, then remember that it will over ride any short term changes made to specific time periods within the date range. For example,  there are special rates entered for 4th of July weekend. The date range selected is through Dec. 2018. Any changes made through Dec. 2018 would override the the special rates and you will need to go the 4th of July weekend to reenter the rates.

"Save" :  Use this feature to save only the specific items you are changing. When this box is checked the data in that lined will be saved. Even if you don't change the rate and are only changing restrictions, the rate entered will save for the time period selected. Therefore, if you are only changing restrictions and not rates, then uncheck the boxes next to the Rates. If you are only changing rates and not restrictions, then uncheck the Restrictions.

"Fill":  This is a useful feature to make changes across the week. Clicking the 'Fill' box will automatically fill the entire row with the amount entered in the first entry. This can be a real time saver.

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