The Occupancy Report provides a historical report of occupancy by Room during a specific date range. This report is typically used to analyze past Occupancy %, ADR, REVPAR by Room. There is a one year date range limit. Reports can be run for one year at a time, starting on any date you choose (past or future), but will be limited to one year. To see the details of the bookings summarized in the Occupancy Report, run the Bookings Production Report for the same date range. For a summary of the Sources of these bookings, go to the Bookings Report To see the Revenue generated during the date range, use the Revenue Report.
Occupancy Report Rules
- The Room Revenue, ADR and REVPAR is calculated on actual Income of past bookings calculated from RENT postings on the folio for the bookings charged, i.e. real Room Rent postings rather than how the booking was sold. Bear in mind this will render the Occupancy report financials to 0 for running in the future or even current date.
- If you check "Deduct Out of Order Rooms", then Out of Order Rooms are deducted from the total number of rooms in the first column "Total Rooms" in the Report. For example, if you have 50 rooms, and 2 rooms are OOO on a given date and you choose to deduct out of order rooms, then 48 rooms will be used to calculate occupancy for that date. See Out of Order Rooms Reports
- Rooms that are set to "Ignore on Occupancy Report" will be deducted from the total number of rooms in the first column "Room" in the Report. See Rooms
- To see 'revenue' during the same period, go to the Revenue Report and run it for the same date range. NOTE:There are times when Night Audit timing may cause discrepancies in the Revenue and Occupancy reports. Occupancy and Revenue are different reporting paradigms and not intended to be equal at all times. Revenue is RENT posted to a folio during a specific time frame. Occupancy is ROOMS occupied. See this KB Article for further explanation.
- Occupancy Dashboard Widgets : "Todays Occupancy By Channel" and "Todays Occupancy by Room Types" widgets are written to be consistent with the Occupancy Report and In House Report. Thus, there are situations where these 'dashboard widgets' data will be different than one might expect. The condition that makes the occupancy widgets report differently than the 'available rooms' value displayed on the Tape Chart and Availability Charts occurs when a booking was checked in and then checked out on the same day (what we refer to as 'same day checkin checkout'). In these cases, bookings that were 'same day checkin checkout' affect the Booked Rooms and the Available Rooms results on the widgets. These bookings appear on the In-House report for the day, as that booking was in-house - if even for a moment. And will appear on the Occupancy Report for the day, as well. But the room it occupied will be available via all booking channels, with the exception it cannot be re-booked by clicking on the Room via the Tape Chart, as the prior 'same day checkin checkout' booking is appearing there for 'today' till a new booking is assigned for that room. Thus, when considering occupancy and available rooms, the system will show accurate availability to your channels (for example to your front desk, website, and OTA, etc) and that Room will appear on the Vacant Room report, as it is free to rent again. But because that room that was briefly occupied, but checked out the same day, it affects the Occupancy Report, the In House report, and as the widget's data that are built to conform to these reports.
Automatic emailed "Push" reports in MyPMS: MyPMS Automated Reports gives you the ability to schedule daily delivery of the "Manager", "Occupancy" and "Revenue" Reports to a primary email and cc email if needed. The Automated Occupancy Report data is based on occupancy for all room types, accounting for the OOO Rooms flag for the past 30 days, from the previous day's date. To set up an automated Occupancy Report, see Automated Reports |