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1. Click on the Marketing button on the Home window. The Guest Marketing List will be displayed.
2. Click on the Guest Search... button. The Select Guest Search window will be displayed.
Note If there are no searches available you will be immediately prompted if you wish to create
a new search. Click 'Yes' to continue. You will then be presented with the Edit Search
window instead. Continue from Step 4.
3. Click on the New button. The Edit Search window will be displayed.
4. Type in a Title for this search and [Tab]. The cursor will move into the first drop down list just
underneath the Search Title.
5. Click on the down arrow on the first drop down list to display a list of reporting categories to base
the Guest search on.
6. Select a Category from the list and [Tab].
Live This is the status, by default, of all Guests entered into BookingCenter.
Not Live This is the opposite of the above.
The following fields will match the field names from the Guest record: (See "Working with
Guests" on page xciii)
First Name Surname Company Address City
State Zipcode Home Phone Work Phone Fax
Date Entered The date the Guest was entered into BookingCenter
Last Stay The Last Stay date of the Guest, as found in the Guest History
Date of Birth The date of birth for the Guest. Good for Birthday wishes of past guests!
Gender Either M for Male or F for Female, if you entered it.
Notes BookingCenter can perform a full search of the Notes fields
Type The Guest Type attached to each Guest record
Source The Source Type attached to each Guest record
Agent The Agent possibly attached to the Guest record designating that the Agent was responsible for sending the Guest.
7. Click on the down arrow on the second drop down list to display a list of conditions that the chosen category must satisfy.
8. Select a condition from the list and [Tab].
• is equal to
• is not equal to
• is empty
• is not empty
• is greater than or equal to
• is less than or equal to
• is between
• contains
9. Enter a value in the value field and then click on the Add Line button. The search statement you
have just created will now appear in the description field as well as in the list at the bottom of the
10. Click OK once you have finished to return to the Select Guest Search window with the newly
created search now appearing in the list or repeat steps 5 to 9 if you wish to add another search line to
this same search..
11. If you would like to generate a search based on one search statement OR another, click on
the Add Or button and enter the desired search line.
Example: To create a search for all guests whose stay was on or after Novem-
ber 1, 2005, and who booked their room through the Global Booking Net-
work, do the following:
1. Follow steps 1 to 4 as outlined above.
2. Select 'Last Stay' in the first drop down list and [Tab].
3. Select 'is equal to or greater than' in the second drop down list and [Tab}.
4. Enter 11-01-2005 in the value field.
5. Click on the Add Line button. The search line will appear in the box on the bottom of the window.
Tip To delete that line, select it and hit Delete Line.
6. Click in the first drop down list again, select 'Agent' and [Tab].
7. Select 'is equal to' in the second drop down list and [Tab].
8. Enter 'WR' in the value field and then click on the Add Line button.
9. The search statement displayed in the list should now read:
Last Stay is greater than or equal to 'Nov 1, 1999'
Agent is equal to 'WR'
10. Click OK to return to the Select Guest Search window.
11. Click on the desired search and then click the Select button to select it.
12. You will now be prompted to clear the list first. Click 'Yes'. You will be returned to the Marketing
List window with any Guests that met your search criteria now loaded into the list. The number of
Guests loaded will be displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the list.
Tip You can edit any search by selecting the desired search and clicking theEdit button.
Tip Once you have a result list, you can print labels, letters, and summaries or email all the guests by
choosing PRINT.

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  • No labels