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Note If there were payments made against the booking that you want to cancel you will be asked to enter a refund (See "Setting up Receipt Types" on page lvi) . You must have a Receipt type for refunds using 'R' as the code or you will not be able to perform the refund. The Demo datafile already has a Refund Receipt type set up. Add a Receipt Type 'R' if you
do not have one.
1. Click on the Room or Group Bookings button on the Home window. The Booking Details window will open.
2. Find the booking you want to cancel.
3. Select 'Cancel' from the BookingCenter menu. You will see the following message 'Do you really
want to CANCEL this booking?' Click 'Yes'.
4. If you selected 'Yes', you will then be asked if you want to enter a refund. Click 'Yes' or 'No.'
5. The New Refund window will open ready for you to enter the refund amount and any details.
6. Enter the amount and any other relevant information pertaining to this refund and then click OK.
7. You will be returned to the Booking Details window with the booking's status now set to 'Cancelled'
and any difference between the original receipt amount (payment) and the refund will be listed as
the cancel fee.
8. Close the Booking Details window to return to the Home window.

Refunding a Booking 1. Click on the Room Bookings button on the Home window. The Booking Details window will open.
2. Find the Booking you wish to refund.
3. Select 'Refund' from the Bookings menu. You will see a message asking you if you want to enter a
4. Click 'Yes' to display the New Refund window.
5. Enter the refund details and then click OK. You will see a message asking you if you want to
complete the booking now.

6. Click 'Yes' to return to the Booking Details window with the booking's status now set to 'Cancelled'
and the refunded amount shown in the refund field. If you click 'No,' the new status will be set to

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