The In-House Guest Ledger Report displays the guest, booking and folio details for all In-house (active) guests. This means that guests must be checked in and active to appear on this report.
Because it is a running list of in-house guests, the report does not provide a date picker and will show all guests with status "active" regardless of arrival date. When the guest checks out and is no longer in-house, the booking will drop off this report.
The In-House Guest Ledger Report is useful for seeing a summary of current balances due and can be used in conjunction with Managers and Accounting Reports. For example, Use the In-house Guest Ledger Report with theTransactions Report to help account for the difference between any amounts charged and payments received on a specific date. This is typically due to things like advanced deposits made, payment of a booking at check in and advanced charge made to a future booking. These transactions often occur on different dates than the actual room rent for the booking is charged.
The In-House Guest Ledger Report displays the following information:
See an example: In House Guest Ledger Report