Activate Yield Management for Rate Plans in each Agent Channel

After the 'Yield Profiles' have been built and the selected Rate Plans have been allocated, there is one more step needed to activate Yield Management for each Room Type in the Agent Channel. 

Since Yield Management can be activated by Room Type in each Channel, you can offer yielded rates on one or all of the Room Types, on one or all Agent Channels.

For Example, Yield Management could be activated for the TWIN Rate Plan on and Expedia, but not not for the  TWIN Rate Plan allocated to MyPMS Front Desk.

NOTE:  If you are creating new Rate Plans for your Yield Profiles then you will need to allocate them to the Agent Channel needed. See Add or Delete Allocation.If the Rate Plans (such as a RACK Rate) are already allocated to a channel and you simply want to enable Yield Management for that Rate Plan, then simply Activate Yield Management for the Rate Plans in a specific channel. See Steps below.


To activate Yield Management by Room Type for each Agent Channel, follow these steps.

  • Choose the Agent Channel and click on the number of "Rooms Allocated". Ie. 46 of 25

  • The Room Type/Rate Plan allocations for the Agent Channel chosen will display.
  • In the column, Yield Management, select "Yes" from the drop-down menu and click "Change"
  • Repeat this step for each Room Type/Rate Plan on which you want Yield Management activated.