1. Close any programs you may be running
  2. When logged on to the Store or the Download area of BookingCenter.com, choose the platform your computer uses.Note The platforms are: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/Vista, Windows NT, Windows 3.X, OS X 10.1 - 10.4 (Tiger), Power Mac and Older Macs (OS 7, 8, 9). Your platform will determine the correct file you would then download and install.
  3. Download the BookingCenter software.
    1. For Mac customers, you will find a folder you are to copy to your Applications folder.
    2. For Windows customers, simply double click the installation file called Win_32.exe and this will
  4. Launch an InstallerShield to install BookingCenter.
  5. You will now see the Welcome Screen:
  6.  Click Continue.
  7. The licensing terms will be displayed.
  8. Click Accept if you agree to the licensing terms to continue with the installation process.

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