The Bookings with Unassigned Rooms Report gives you a running list of all future bookings (Confirmed and Unconfirmed) that do not have a room assigned.

Bookings with Unassigned Rooms do not appear on the Tape Chart, but are deducted from availability in the Room Type it is assigned.. Therefore, you will see that the # of rooms available for the Room Type on the Tape Chart does reflect e booking.

For example, if you see a 0 on the Tape Chart then availability has been deducted for the room type, but the room has not yet been assigned. Once you assign a room to the booking, then it will appear on the Tape Chart.

To assign a Room to a booking: locate the booking, open it and go to the Room Assignment Tab. See Room Assignment

Since the report keeps a running account of bookings with Unassigned Rooms, the bookings will drop off of  the report when a room is assigned.

For this reason, there no option to choose a date. The report displays all bookings with unassigned rooms from the system date forward..

To create an Bookings with Unassigned Rooms Report:
  • Click on Bookings with Unassigned Rooms
  • Choose the report format: HTML, Excel or Text.
  • Click Generate Report

The Bookings with Unassigned Rooms Report displays the following information:

  • Booking ID: Confirmation # of booking
  • Guest Name: Name of Guest
  • Room Type: Description of Room Type.
  • Room: Will display as "N/A" (Not Available) since the room is not assigned.
  • Arrival Date: Arrival date of booking
  • Departure Date: Departure date of booking

See an example: Bookings with Unassigned Rooms Report

Use Search Bookings to create detailed list of bookings with unassigned rooms, including Group Bookings, by choosing "No Room" in the Room drop-down list.