Room Type Amenities are a preset list of features that can be chosen for a specific Room Type.

The Room Type Amenities selected for the Room Type will appear on your website and GDS listings.

Room Type Amenities are added to each Room Type for customized amenities. If you have multiple Room Types, please set Amenities for each Room Type. We recommend to add as many as possible to help consumers and agents find properties to book.

Room Type can only be added and deleted, not edited. If you haven't added any Room Type yet, the Default screen will display with a blank list.

To to see a list of your Room Type Amenities or to add or edit an Amenity go to SETUP | FEATURES AND IMAGES | ROOM TYPE AMENITIES

Figure 1. Add An Amenity:
Select a Room Type from the list and click Load to display the Amenities for the Room Type.

Figure 2. List of Room Type Amenities: The items that appear in the list are already added to the room type, If the list is blank, then no amenities have been added yet. When you click Add, a list of Amenities will appear. 

Figure 3. Add An Amenity: When you click Add, A preset list of Amenities will appear. Click Add next to the amenity to add. Add as many Amenities as you would like by clicking Add next to the amenity.

Figure 4. List of Amenities added. To go back to the Room Amenities list, select the Room Type and click Load to see the amenities added to the Room Type.Once the Amenity is added, the available action is Delete

To Delete an Amenity, click Delete next to the amenity.