The Folio is a powerful and flexible tool for applying charges and payments to a customer's bill. Each Individual and Group booking has a Folio Tab in the Booking Screen. All Charges and Payments will appear in the Primary Folio and can be modified easily. 

 Please take a moment to review these important Folio Functions

There is a two column reporting system for payments and charges in Folios.  Next to each transaction you will see two icons: Modify (change $ amount of transaction) and Delete (deletes transaction from folio)

The following are the main functions of the Folio:

Choose Folio

 If multiple folios have been setup additional folios are selected via this drop down box. By default the primary folio is always shown on the folio screen.

Add New Folio

The system supports multiple folios and allows the user to split charges by inventory type across multiple folios if desired.

Folio Setup

Allows editing of folio name(s) and comments as well as managing which inventory items are assigned to folios.

Print Folios

Opens the current Folio in a new window formatted for printing.

Folio to Excel

Allows exporting and saving of the folio to Excel.

Check in

Checks the guest in. This button will only be visible able to be checked in and the arrival date on or prior to (for late check in) the system date.


Checks the guest out. This button will only be visible if the guest is currently checked in and the folio has a zero balance.

Check back in

This button is present only after the guest has checked out and may be used to check the guest back in. This can only be used if today's date falls between the reservation check-in and check-out dates.


Checks the guest out. This button will only be visible if the guest is currently checked in.

Cancel Booking

Cancels the booking.

Clone Booking

Clones all booking information from the Guest Detail to create a duplicate booking in with the same booking details. Click Reset Guest I.D. to change Guest Information