1. Click on the Room Bookings button on the Home window. The Booking Details window will open.
2. Find the booking you want to Confirm.
3. Click the 'Confirm' button.

Check-In a Booking1. Click on the Room Bookings button on the Home window. The Booking Details window will open.
2. Find the booking you want to Check-in.
Note You can check in a guest early and then change the dates of their stay, assuming there
is availability.
3. Click on the Check In button. The booking's status will now be set to Active.

Check-Out a Booking 1. Click on the Room Bookings button on the Home window. The Booking Details window will open.
2. Find the booking you wish to Check-Out.
Note You can only check-out a booking if it is Active and/or is fully paid.
3. Click on the Check-Out button. The booking's status will now be set to 'Complete'.

Extending a Booking 1. Click on the Room Bookings button on the Home window. The Booking Details window will open.
2. Find the booking that you want to extend.
3. Click the 'Extend' button on the top of the window or select 'Extend from the Bookings drop-down
menu. A dialog box will be displayed.
4. Enter the number of days that you want to extend this booking by and then click OK. You will see a message asking you to confirm that you want to extend the booking to the new date displayed in the message box.
5. Click 'Yes'. You will now be returned to the Booking Details window with the new check-out date inserted.
Tip If the booking you are extending overlaps with another booking, follow the procedure for transferring a booking below.