About this manual

The MyPMS User's Manual begins with an overview of the key features of MyPMS, and the basic steps to getting your property setup on the system. It then goes step-by-step  organized by MyPMS Tab areas and the Setup Area.

Would you like a full list of the pages in this guide? Here it is: Table of Contents for Confluence User's Guide.



You can download the Confluence documentation in PDF, HTML and XML formats.

More resources

Need help? Submit a ticket

Visit to the Knowledge Base for a list of further resources.


Step-by-step video tutorials


Online Support


Visit the Online Support Center to Submit a ticket or for information on how to administer and configure your MyPMS system. 


How To's

Setup a group Booking

Customize a Letter

Cancel A Booking

Use the House Accounts

Manage Rates

Manage Availability

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