Detailed Day Pace Report: A 'business' point in time comparison of this month, comparing to the same dates as last year. The Detailed Monthly Pace Report differs from the general 'Pace Report' in that is meant to be run for only a month at a time, and uses the days of the week to make a comparison against 'last year' for the same days of the week This is perfect for analyzing the 'pace' of weekdays vs weekends or an event like 'Memorial Day', which is always a Monday but has a different calendar date each year. If y9ou you wish to use a similar Pace report but matching up Jan 1 with Jan 1 last year, i.e. using 'calendar dates' as opposed to 'week days' then use the Detailed Detailed Date Pace Report.
The Pace Report is used as a sales analysis of your future month's occupancy, ADR, REVPAR, arrivals, etc and then that same logic to compare to the same dates as last year. The report lines up the first day last year that matches the first day in this month current year. The purpose of the report is to be able to track the first Monday of this month with the first Monday of the same month last year, and so on. The 'pace' for this month is un-known, as we use Bookings with Rates as entered, including Hard Group Allocations, and not Folios posted with RENT. As a result, many of 'this period' bookings will modify, cancel, etc before becoming actual Revenue. Since we include Hard Allocations in any of your Group Bookings to reflect that these will likely be picked up as Bookings. But of course, some of these Hard Allocations to your Group Bookings will not result in actual bookings, let alone RENT postings.