January 19, 2015 In this latest release, you will see a major enhancement to the User Log in Session and an upgrade to the Group Booking Log. User Log in Session
For your security, the MyPMS Log in Session is set to automatically expire if the system remains idle between 5-60 minutes. This means that the User will be automatically logged out if the system remains idle for the specified period of time and returned to the MyPMS log in screen. We have added two features to give you more control over your User Log in Sessions. The Log in Session Timeout time can be customized to 5-60 minutes and a Session Expiration Warning message appears 3 minutes before the session is about to expire. - Session Expiration Warning: A pop-up window will appear with a Session Expiration Warning message three minutes before the end of the Session Timeout entered. The message displays the time remaining in the last 3 minutes and gives you the choice to Stay Logged In or Log Out Now.
Image Modified New! Log Entries When Individual Bookings Are Unlinked From A Group. To help you keep track of the modifications to Individual Bookings within a Group Booking, we have added a new feature to the Log Tab found in the Booking Details. A Log entry is now posted in the Group Master Booking and Individual Booking Log when an Individual Booking is "Unlinked" from a Group. When the Individual booking is "Unlinked", the event triggers the log entry in both of the Booking Logs. - The Group Log displays the description "Booking removed from Group Booking Reservation Bkg ID: # of Individual Booking "
- The Individual Log displays the description " Booking removed from Group Booking Reservation"
See Group Bookings: Unlink an Individual Booking from a Group Booking
We are pleased to announce that the following software bugs were fixed in this release: - Editing a booking, that is part of a group, to a different arrival date updates to the arrival date field the in the booking header.
- Editing a booking updates the room entry in the tables used for some reports.
- Issue with the availability for a mofified date not being released when an individual booking was added to a group without allocations for the Room Type and the stay shortened for that individual Booking,
- Issue on the tape chart where the Booking Pop-Up wouldn't show if the booking had carriage return in the booking comments field.
- Issue with the early Check Out Warning that prevented it from occurring if the guest booking occupied more than one room/room type.