User Activity: This report will show you the activity details of all users on your system. The Report displays the login date, time and IP Address for users by date range. To add, modify or change a user role, see User Roles and Functions The Report will display the following information: To create a User Activity Report: - Go to REPORTS | MANAGERS | USER ACTIVITY
- Click on User Activity Report
- Choose Date: Choose a single date or date range. I.e. for a single date choose Dec. 1, 2015 and Dec. 1, 2015 in both the start and end dates.
- Choose the report format: HTML, Excel or Text.
- Click Generate Report
Bookings The User Activity Report displays will display the following information: - User Name: Displays full user name and organization. I.e. John M.- BookingCenter
- Date: Displays date of login
- Login Time: Displays log in time
- Logout Time: Displays log in time
- IP Addres: Displays the IP address of the User at the time of log in.