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Show Restricted Rates by Default on Inquiry Page: Enable Restricted Rates to appear on the booking inquiry page of your booking engine. These rates appear if the dates requested are unavailable, but there are Restricted rates available with date modification.

Folio Printout: Choose whether or not you want the Tax amount broken out as a line item in the daily folio printout generated after Night Audit is complete. Choose : No Tax Breakout, Tax Subtotal, Full Tax Breakout, Tax Summary.

Session Timeout: Set the time allowed before a Log in session times out. See Log in Session Timeout

Default Days on Tape Chart: Choose the number of days that appear when you open the Tape Chart. 7- 15 days.

Date Bar Repeat: Choose the row break in your room list on the Tape Chart. See Date Bar Repeat




titleExternal Services

If the property is using Comtrol or Call Accounting they will be flagged active and have the appropriate ID's listed here

  • Comtrol Active:
  • Comtrol ID:
  • Comtrol Credit Limit:
  • Metropolis Active:
  • Metropolis ID:




titleNight Audit

Automatic Night Audit: Choose "Yes" for the Night Audit to perform automatically or "No" to require the Night Audit to be performed manually. 

Charge Folios Required: Choose "Yes" to require the user to click the charge folios button during night audit (recommended)

Night Audit Active:

System Date: Displays the current system date and is not editable for most properties. There are some properties that BookingCenter Support staff can choose to allow the editing of the System Date from this screen. We don't recommend allowing this to be editable, as inevitably someone will make a mistake 'in the past'. Even if all protocols for System Date editing are followed, prior reports you had run will no longer balance to their past if you make edits on those dates. Why? Because most transaction reports in MyPMS report on the System Date in which entries are made. So, if a Booking was in house between Feb 1-4, and tax entries were made for those dates (usually one or more tax entries are made with RENT per day). If you realize on May 1 that a mistake was made on those February entries, and you modified the tax entries on that February folio, these new entries will be made on the current System Date, presumably May 1. The reporting MyPMS offers will catch the edits on May 1, so the tax authority will get the credits/debits owed - thus, the tax authority should not care. But the editing of any folio entries (adding/removing/modifying) always is reported on the System Dates of the Site. While we don't recommend editing the System Date to go 'back in time' to make adjustments to folios in the past, there are properties who prefer to do this and BookingCenter Support can turn the feature to EDIT the System Date from this page to 're-create' the past. We will ask why you want this enabled, but if the request is legitimate, BookingCenter Support will proceed to enable this date be edited by a customer with access to the Setup area. Keep in mind, if you do this, BookingCenter Support reserves the right to refuse to assist in analyzing Transaction Reports when you get confused about what was done. Proceed carefully with such a request.

Night Audit Commenced: Displays date of last Night Audit performed.

Night Audit User: Displays user I.D. of user who last performed the Night Audit.




titleLook and Feel

Display on Tape/Availability Chart: Choose how you would like your Room Names to display on the Tape Chart: Room Type Desc or Room Type ID

Use Inventory Groups on Add Charges: Choose "Yes" for the Inventory Group name to appear in the Add Charge List or "No" to list all Inventory items alphabetically.

Custom Style Sheet: For CSS users. Enter your Custom CSS code here.

Use Custom Logo: Use a custom logo to appear at the top left of your MyPMS. This is the logo entered in Features and Images.

Use Logo on folio printout: This setting gives you the option to add your hotel Logo to the Folio printout which will appear above the hotel details on the top left of the page. See Folio: Print/Email Folio





This section enables you to set up automatic Authorizations to credit cards. This is only available to MyCard users. See MyCard

  • Auth On Check-in: Choose Yes to enable Automatic Authorization on Check-in. This will automatically authorize the amount you enter in One Time Auth Fee on the Credit Card entered in the Credit Card Details of the Booking Data of the Guest and in Manage Credit Cards.
  • One Time Auth Fee: Enter the dollar amount of the automatic Authorization at check-in
  • Nightly Auth Fee: To automatically authorize an amount to a guest folio during Night Audit, enter a dollar amount. For example, a $15 a night Auth for incidentals.

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