Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This section is for users of the MSO Marketing Services Organization.  Sojern provides a similar code below.  This code is entered into  Setup Area of MyPMS or Channel Manager.

Once in the Setup Area, go to  Settings -> Booking Engine Settings.  Click edit and past the Sojern code into the Web Tracking Code Last Page

Parameters we pass are as follows:

  • Arrival Date:  $arrival_date
  • Departure Date: $departure_date
  • Total Price:  $total_price
  • Booking ID:  $booking_id

Sample Code:    Sojern provides this.

<!-- Sojern Tag v6_js, Pixel Version: 1 -->
(function () {
/* Please fill the following values. */
var params = {
hd1: "%%$arrival_date%%", /* Check In Date. Format yyyy-mm-dd.
Ex: 2015-02-14 */
hd2: "%%$departure_date%%", /* Check Out Date. Format yyyy-mm-dd.
Ex: 2015-02-14 */
hp: "%%$total_price%%", /* Purchase Price */
hcu: "USD", /* Purchase Currency */
hconfno: "%%$booking_id%%" /* Confirmation Number */

var sjrnIn = new Date(params.hd1);
var sjrnOut = new Date(params.hd2);

params.hd1 =
params.hd2 =
params.hp = (parseFloat(params.hp) / 1.14).toFixed(2);

/* Please do not modify the below code. */
var cid = [];
var paramsArr = [];
var cidParams = [];
var pl = document.createElement('script');
var defaultParams =
for(key in defaultParams) { params[key] = defaultParams[key]; };
for(key in cidParams) { cid.push(params[cidParams[key]]); };
params.cid = cid.join('|');
for(key in params) { paramsArr.push(key + '=' +
encodeURIComponent(params[key])) };
pl.type = 'text/javascript';
pl.async = true;
pl.src = ''
+ paramsArr.join('&');
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] ||
<!-- End Sojern Tag →


BookingCenter requires that an MSO 'Premium Marketing Services' contract is in place in order for this to work. Go to: to request the service or call us at +1-707-874-3922 ext 201.

Learn more about the MSO 'Premium Marketing Services' contract at: