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The Occupancy Forecast Report is used to get a detailed analysis of occupancy, room occupancy, availability and revenue breakdown of future bookings. 

There is a one year date range limit. Reports can be run for one year at a time, starting on any date you choose (past or future), but will be limited to one year.

To see the details of the bookings summarized in the Occupancy Forecast Report, run the Booking Production Report for the same date range. See Bookings Production Report

Occupancy Forecast Report Rules

  • The Room Revenue is calculated by the daily rate value sold against the future bookings. See Booking Data
  • You can choose to "Include Group Hard Allocations". This setting changes the # of rooms (rooms available) calculated for occupancy, room availability and revenue. This is useful if you want to see Occupancy without group booking allocations. See Hard and Soft Allocations. For example, if you have 50 Rooms and 15 are allocated to a group and you choose NOT to  "Include Group Allocations", then the number of available Rooms will be 35. See details below.
  • Out of Order Rooms are deducted from the total number of rooms in the first column "Room" in the Report. For example, if you have 50 and 2 rooms are OOO on a given date, then 48 rooms will be used to calculate occupancy for that date. See Out of Order Rooms Reports
  •  Rooms that are set to "Ignore on Occupancy Report" will be deducted from the total number of rooms in the first column "Room" in the Report. See Rooms


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pageManagers Reports

Key Differences between the Occupancy and Occupancy Forecast Reports

  • The Occupancy Report is based on current and past reservations, while the Occupancy Forecast is based on future reservations.
  • The Occupancy report requires a room assignment, while the Occupancy Forecast does not; because a room may not have been assigned yet.
  • The Occupancy Report gives the option of deducting "OOO" Rooms from the Rooms Available total. The Occupancy Forecast report always deducts "OOO" Rooms from the Rooms Available total. For Example, if you have 50 Rooms available and 2 are OOO, The Occupancy Forecast will show 48 total rooms available.
  • The other key difference is when you run the Occupancy Forecast Report, you can choose to include or exclude Group Booking allocations. This setting changes the total # of rooms. See a detailed description below.
  • In summary, the reports are pulling two different data sets that will provide different results.

To run an Occupancy Forecast Report, follow these steps:

  • Choose Date: Choose a single date or date range. I.e. for a single date choose Dec. 1, 2015 and Dec. 1, 2015 in both the start and end dates. 
  • "Include Group Hard Allocations": Check this box if you DO want to include Group Booking allocations in the Occupancy calculations.
  • Choose the report format: HTML, Excel or Text.
  • Click Generate Report


Occupancy Forecast Report  WITHOUT "Include Group Hard Allocations" checked.

For example, If you have 50 Rooms available and 15 are allocated to a group and you choose NOT to  "Include Group Allocations", then the number of available Rooms will be 35 because the Group allocations are not being included in the total number of Rooms Available.

  • Date: When run in a single or multi day query, each date will be broken down into a unique line.
  • Rooms: This is the count of total number of available rooms. This count is derived by taking total room count and subtracting any rooms marked Out of Order or rooms flagged to ignore on Occupancy Report.
  • Arrivals: This is count of all bookings due to arrive on the date returned.
  • Stay Overs: This is a count of all bookings due to be in house, and staying over from the prior night on the date returned.
  • Depart Today: This is a count of all bookings that are due to check out on the date returned.
  • Avail Rooms: This is the total number of rooms available at the property for the date range queried. This is derived by subtracting the Occupied Rooms from the Total Rooms.
  • Occup Rooms: This is the total number of unique bookings for the date range returned.
  • Occup %: Occupancy Percentage is calculated by dividing the number of occupied rooms by the total number of rooms.
  • Room Revenue: This is the sum of the daily rate value for all bookings on the date range returned.
  • ADR: Average Daily Rate is calculated by dividing the total Room Revenue by the number of occupied rooms for the date returned.
  • REVPAR: There are two industry standards for calculating REVPAR. 1) Total Room Revenue for the date range divided by total number of available rooms for the same date range. 2) Average Daily Rate multiplied by Occupancy %. We utilize method two in all reports and reach your REVPAR by (ADR * OCC%).

Averages:: The average amount or percentage for Occupancy %, ADR and REVPAR are displayed for the date range chosen.

Totals: Displays the total of Rooms, Arrivals, Stay Over, Depart Today, Avail Rooms, Occup Rooms, Room Revenue and REVPAR are displayed for the date range chosen.

Occupancy Forecast Report WITH "Include Group Hard Allocations" checked. Changed fields in Red.

For example, If  you have 50 Rooms available and 15 are allocated to a group booking and you choose to  "Include Group Allocations", then the number of available Rooms will be 50 because it includes the Group Allocations.

  • Date: When run in a single or multi day query, each date will be broken down into a unique line.
  • Rooms: This is the count of total number of available rooms. This count is derived by taking total room count and subtracting any rooms marked Out of Order or rooms flagged to ignore on Occupancy Report.
  • Arrivals: This is count of all bookings due to arrive on the date returned.
  • Stay Overs: This is a count of all bookings due to be in house, and staying over from the prior night on the date returned.
  • Depart Today: This is a count of all bookings that are due to check out on the date returned.
  • Avail Rooms: This is the total number of rooms available at the property for the date range queried. This is derived by subtracting the Occupied Rooms from the Total Rooms.
  • Occup Rooms: This is the total number of unique bookings and group hard allocations for the date range returned.
  • Occup %: Occupancy Percentage is calculated by dividing the number of occupied rooms by the total number of rooms. Because this figure includes Hard Allocations in the calculation it should be considered an estimate rather than reflection of guaranteed bookings.
  • Room Revenue: This is the sum of the daily rate value for all bookings on the date range returned. Because this figure includes Hard Allocations in the calculation it should be considered an estimate rather than reflection of revenue of guaranteed bookings.
  • ADR: Average Daily Rate is calculated by dividing the total Room Revenue by the number of occupied rooms for the date returned. Because this figure includes Hard Allocations in the calculation it should be considered an estimate of your Average Daily Rate.
  • REVPAR: There are two industry standards for calculating REVPAR. 1) Total Room Revenue for the date range divided by total number of available rooms for the same date range. 2) Average Daily Rate multiplied by Occupancy %. We utilize method two in all reports and reach your REVPAR by (ADR * OCC%). Because this figure includes Hard Allocations in the calculation it should be considered only an estimate of your Revenue Per Available Room.

Averages:: The average amount or percentage for Occupancy %, ADR and REVPAR are displayed for the date range chosen.

Totals: Displays the total of Rooms, Arrivals, Stay Over, Depart Today, Avail Rooms, Occup Rooms, Room Revenue and REVPAR are displayed for the date range chosen.